President-ElectMaryKate HoldenBiographical Information
MaryKate teaches at the Middle College at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, where she is the Science Department Chair. She also holds an adjunct faculty position at UNCG. She earned her MS in biology and genetics from UNCG. She is currently the District 5 director for NCSTA: as director, she has worked for her district, maintaining a District V Facebook page, and has served on the PDI committee and the Membership Outreach committee. She is a member of NCSTA, NSTA, AAAS, NC Association of Biology Teachers and the Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society. While teaching at many levels, she has invested many hours in leadership training for herself and others.
Mission Statement
Through all my years of teaching and professional development, the one thing that I feel sets someone apart is their ability to lead - their classroom, their colleagues, their profession which is why I chose to be on the board of NCSTA. Currently I am the District V Representative and feel that I have contributed greatly to the organization. I have started a District V Facebook page and Twitter to keep up with other teachers and share the organizations opportunities for PD, Grants, and Awards as well as sharing tidbits of news and fun facts. But I feel that my work is not yet done and that I have a lot of great ideas, especially about supporting and expanding membership in these trying times. As a current teacher, I have been at the forefront of the online teaching platforms, helping train colleagues and streamlining processes, offering ideas to district leaders through my principal, and lending support and aid to colleagues and students. I am currently also on the NCSTA Board PDI committee and the Ad Hoc Committee for Member Outreach devising ways to support other science teachers across the state. We are entering unknown waters and I hope to be the leader that can navigate through efficiently and safely. I believe I have the skills and knowledge to accomplish this.