District 7 Director
Lindsay Smith
Biographical Information I have been in the teaching profession for the past nineteen years and I am currently a Marine Science, Environmental Earth Science, and AP Environmental Science teacher at Mooresville High School. Prior to Mooresville, I taught for seven years outside the city of Detroit, MI. Additionally, I was an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow for two terms with the NOAA Office of Education in Washington, DC. My passions as a science teacher are to bring science to all learners, including students with disabilities and lower elementary students. I invite students of all abilities into my classroom and provide experiences where everyone has the opportunity to participate and be inspired by science. My other passion is to connect my students to scientists and real-time data inspiring them to be the next generation of scientists. I participated in the Ocean Exploration Trust Science Communications Fellowship, NOAA Teacher at Sea, and the NSF PolarTREC program. Through these experiences I traveled to Antarctica, the Bering Sea, Galapagos Islands, and the Caribbean Sea to bring real science into my classroom and encourage my students to be scientists too. My past awards include North Carolina Science Leadership Fellow, Macomb County Environmental Educator of the Year, South Lake High School Teacher of the Year, Mooresville School District Teacher of the Year, North Carolina Outstanding Earth Science Teacher, and the Southeast Regional Outstanding Earth Science Teacher. Mission Statement: As district director I would like to use my past experiences to bring new resources and opportunities to the science teachers in my region and the rest of North Carolina. My specific focus would be to support beginning teachers through membership incentives, mentorship opportunities, and lesson planning resources. As our profession and students change I also feel NCSTA should change to meet the needs of our state's science educators. As a district director I would push for changes in conference strand offerings, presentor incentives, conference locations, membership benefits, conference structure and leadership opportunities.