NCSciFest Opportunity for Middle Schools

Greetings from NCSciFest HQ!


Thanks to the support of the Biogen Foundation, we are pleased to announce that we are launching a new-and-improved virtual edition of our wildly popular SciMatch program. In April 2021, 100 North Carolina Scientists from all walks of life will share their love of what they do with 100 middle schools across the state!


If you’re a middle school teacher interested in having a scientist visit with your students this April, visit for more details and to register.


If you’re a STEM professional interested in developing your scicomm skills and sharing your passion for STEM, go here for more details and to sign up.


The deadline to get involved is Sunday, January 31. Sign up now!


Erik and the NCSciFest Team




Erik MacIntosh

Programs Manager, NC Science Festival

Pronouns: he, him, his


Morehead Planetarium and Science Center

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

250 East Franklin Street | Campus Box 3480
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3480

919-962-3274 |


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Morehead Planetarium and Science Center