April 20 3:30 - 5:00, FREE virtual workshop - Deep Dive into iNaturalist
Did you know that you can use iNaturalist for more than just posting photos of what you see? In this workshop, we will dig deep into iNaturalist to show you how you can create stories and explore data specific to your needs. Does your class want to see how exotic species are impacting your area? Do you want to know when certain migratory species arrive or depart in your neighborhood? What is the most common species record at the park near your school? We will practice digging into data in breakout rooms during the workshop.
1.5 CEU credit and Criteria III NC-EE credit are available upon request.
We will be joined by Graham Montgomery, a PhD student at UCLA studying insect declines and their effects on insectivorous birds in the eastern US. He uses many different types of data in his research, from historical data in Great Smoky Mountains NP, to community science data from eBird and iNaturalist. Oh, and he loves iNaturalist and wants everyone else to as well.