PDI Mini-Grant

May Your Wish Be Granted

2025 NC Science Teachers Association - PDI

Submit your wish list for the chance to receive up to $200 worth of classroom materials.

Mini-Grant Application 

Thank you for applying.  Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony.


  • Teacher must attend the NCSTA PDI. 
  • In order to be selected, attendee must be pre-registered and paid. 

Evaluation  All wishes meeting the grant proposal requirements will be considered.  Selections will be based on:

  • Feasibility – how likely will grant materials be used
  • Sustainability – will materials be used more than once
  • Value – how does grant request align to current science standards
  • Number of students affected

We encourage you to consider the goods and services of our participating vendors when making your wish.   This vendor list will be updated frequently as new exhibitors register for our PDI.  You are not required to select from this vendor list.  Don’t forget to account for sales tax and shipping in your grant proposal.

In order to be selected to receive a grant, you must apply by October 6, 2025 and your PDI registration MUST BE PAID by October 6, 2025.   A registration is not considered paid until we receive a check or credit card payment:  if your school is using a PO, the PO must be paid by the October 6, 2025 payment deadline.

Keep in mind that your request will be selected using the criteria above and that you will be competing with ALL 2025 PDI attendees. 


Please DOWNLOAD this form, enter your list of wish items, and email to Tom Savage tomncsta@gmail.com